

Interim management

Do essential projects need more power? Is your project portfolio lacking a breath of fresh air and an outside perspective? stoll-tec temporarily takes on operational tasks within your organisation or project.


As an experienced CTO, Managing Director and Turnaround Manager stoll-tec enhances the competencies of your board of directors or technology advisory board. As an independent expert,  stoll-tec supports you in your technology innovation ventures or during challenging damage cases.


Improve the planning of your technology and organisational projects. Have your organisation or technology project analysed as part of an external audit.


  • Kunststoffe
  • Kunststoffprodukte
  • Kunststoffverarbeitung
  • Werkstoffe

Focus Areas


New circular solutions need to be tested and validated. stoll-tec combines expertise in circular economy with in-depth knowledge of plastics and processing technologies.

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Project Management

From project definition to completion, stoll-tec takes on strategic and operational tasks, ensuring the success of your project. Benefit from support in product and process innovation, site relocation or crisis management.

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Technology management plays a crucial role in technology-driven companies. It directly influences all key business areas.

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Companies that build on unique products and processes require a solid technology strategy. Learn how stoll-tec can support you in this.

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With broad international project experience, stoll-tec has developed an integrated technology approach.

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Technology Management

Whether you want to further develop your own technology or integrate available new technologies into your products and processes, stoll-tec supports you. Our specialty lies in complex product and process innovations in an international environment.

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Rémy Stoll

Dr. sc. techn. - Managing Director, Owner

The materials engineer, Rémy Stoll develops products and processes for the industry. With passion and courage, he inspires highly motivated teams and delivers project goals to stakeholders. His vision is to improve people’s quality of life through technical solutions.


stoll-tec  | Mooshaldenstr. 46, CH-8708 Männedorf, Switzerland |  +41 44 520 5125   |   |   UID: CHE-459.293.031

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