
Focus Areas


Processes and Products

Technology management has a direct impact on all current management system standards. Alongside the quality management (ISO 9001: 2015), environmental management (ISO 14001: 2015) and occupational health and safety (ISO 45001: 2018) have become established standards in the manufacturing industry. Stable and mastered technology processes lead to product and supply chain quality, as well as they reduce energy consumption and emissions, while minimizing occupational risks.

The foundation for safe and stable processes is set in the development phase. An effective continuous improvement practice further improves the stability and safety of products and processes during the production phase. Reliable validation and documentation of changes are of central importance.

The technology teams also play a central role in the selection and use of process control data for a fact based production management and supply chain improvement. Such data are used for:

  • statistical process control (SPC, CpK),
  • predictive maintenance planning 4.0
  • validated key performance indicators (KPI).

Teams and talents

Excellent management of technology teams and talents is significant for a successful business. The teams and talents ultimately decide how to master technical challenges. A mature technology team has a solution-oriented, pioneering spirit and technical challenges are transformed into sustainable improvements. It is also a learning organization that multiplies and shares know-how.


Intellectual property rights and confidentiality

For technology companies, the uniqueness of their products and processes is of central importance. Know-how and technology must be protected against imitation. Special measures must be taken to protect trade secrets, to exclude others from using own inventions and to defend one’s own freedom to operate.